New look, new year and new stuff going on!
The blog, as you must have noticed, has changed look. The various colourful shapes that characterised the previous layout have now made way for a more relaxing blue. Relaxing, but no less fun. The blog will still house rambunctious ramblings about events happening in the library. The first of which was...

... the Grade 8s meeting.
Activities in the library started earlier than usual as the newly promoted students of Grade 8 were rounded up for an orientation day. This took place one day before the rest of the students commenced the scholastic year. The idea behind this orientation day was to familiarise the students with the Senior School grounds prior to the hullaballo that obviously accompanies the beginning of the year.
The students were gathered in the library where they were addressed by Ms Vicki, the Head of School, and Mr Joe, the Assistant Head for the Senior Sector. Eventually they were assigned to their respective class and accompanied on a tour of the premises by the class teacher.

As for the other stuff... you just keep on watching this space!!