Once there were three beautiful sisters: the youngest, Koseyapea, was the most beautiful and generous creature under the sun. Her elder sisters were jealous of her.
Their jealousy made them unkind and unfair and they never kept their promises .
One day Eleanor, their mother, said that she would give her most treasured jewels to the daughter she was proudest of. The first sister, Gold Eyes, went out to the woods to ask Spring for help.
When she reached the deepest part of the forest she cried:
“Spring, Spring, come help me
And a good friend to you I shall be
If you grant me this wish
Three promises will be yours “
Spring came to see what this young maiden wanted and promised to grant her wish. Gold Eyes wished for a huge piece of land, in which she would organise grand balls and parties .
After Spring gave her the land, she told her:
“ Promise me you shall share with me some food from the land ,
Promise to say I gave you the land if anyone asks were you got it from
And lastly, be grateful that I did so”
Gold Eyes gave her word and went home. The same thing happened with Silver Eyes, the second sister who wished for a jewelery shop. It also happened to Koseyapea, who wished for a farm.
It didn’t take long for the two elder sisters to break their promises. Koseyapea remained faithful to Spring .
Spring made Koseyapea a goddess, and her sisters regretted that they hadn’t kept their promises.
Christina Camilleri
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