Monday, April 20, 2015

World Book Week 2015 - John Bonello

Author John Bonello inaugurated this year's World Book Week at San Anton School by delivering a talk to the Grade 8s.

The students were very excited at the prospect of meeting Mr Bonello as some of them had either read his fantasy trilogy Il-Logħba tal-Allat or his latest book, Irvin Vella: Investigatur Virtwali.

Mr Bonello spoke about his love of books and how this inspired him to become an author himself. Writing a novel is a taxing job that involves a lot of planning and hard work. However the end result is worth the effort.

The students asked him many questions - about his favourite authors, his favourite films, where he gets his ideas from and, also, whether or not he believes in ghosts! They had a wonderful time.

Thank you John!

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